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Solid Hardwood Dining Room Wilford Stool Chair - HomePlex Furniture Featuring USA Made Quality Furniture

Amish Solid Hardwood Wilford Dining Room Stool

  • $ 31900

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Durable Conversion Varnish Finish

USA Solid Cherry, Brown Maple, and Red Oak are our most popular choices. But other USA Hardwoods are available.

The Amish Made Wilford stool is available in a variety of sizes, making it ideal for any bar or niche. These solidly built in Indiana stools are comfortable and sturdy, and available as a swivel stool. HomePlex Furniture in Indianapolis Indiana features USA made solid hardwood furniture.

 Our Indianapolis Furniture showroom features solid cherry, maple and oak dining furniture with at least 50 finishes. HomePlex uses the best artisans from Indiana and Ohio to build modern dining room furniture "Made like they used to". Visit us to see why our customers always say "That's the quality I've been looking for!"

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